Thursday, July 24, 2008

Task 1 Term 3


1. What is a “Flake”? What types of flakes can you add?
A flake is an application you can add to a page for example a website or myspace. You can add several types of flakes like photos, comics, youtube videos etc.

2. What is a pagecast? View some pagecasts created by others.
Pagecast is a Free Software program that makes it very easy to submit a list of URLs to a wide selection of internet search engines.

3. 1. How could we use a pagecast in the context of our project this term? We did not get a project yet !!!


1. What is a “Widget”? How do they compare to “Flakes”
A widget is an image that can be displayed on websites. Flakes also has images that can be displayed on wesites.

1) What is a wiki?

It is a webpage that enables people to modify or change information placed on that webpage.

2) What type of content can a wiki contain?
It can contain plenty of different pieces of information used today for example anything about animals, global warming, education etc.

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